Tag Archives: NFL

Top of Mind Thursday – February 1, 2024: There’s a Conspiracy for That!

Conspiracy theories have probably been around since the beginning of time. There are those who say Nero set fire to Rome, then fiddled while Rome burned (even though the fiddle hadn’t been invented yet). For centuries, there have been those … Continue reading

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Top of Mind Thursday – February 10, 2022: It’s Just Not Fair

There’s a lot of talk about fairness these days: It’s not fair that we still have to wear masks or get vaccinated. It’s not fair that we have to work longer hours or do additional tasks because of labor shortages. … Continue reading

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Cutting Off Your Hand to Spite Your Face: What on Earth is the NFL up to?

Is it really worth it to destroy brand equity with substitutes that are unqualified and incompetent?
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