Top of Mind Thursday – February 1, 2024: There’s a Conspiracy for That!

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Conspiracy theories have probably been around since the beginning of time.

There are those who say Nero set fire to Rome, then fiddled while Rome burned (even though the fiddle hadn’t been invented yet). For centuries, there have been those who believe in the blood libel that Jews would kill Christian children and use their blood in Passover rituals (despite the fact that there is absolutely no evidence Jews ever used humans in any part of ritual sacrifice).

More recently, we’ve heard the Earth is flat, the moon landing was faked, 9/11 was set up by the American government, Barack Obama was born in Kenya, and Hillary Clinton was part of a cabal that hid sex slaves in the basement of a pizza parlor in Washington, DC (Spoiler alert: a number of countries have gone to the moon, Osama bin Laden planned 9/11, Obama was born in Hawaii, and the pizza party building has no basement. Plus I’ve yet to hear anyone falling off the edge of the Earth).

But now we’ve got a new twist: To leverage the relationship between Travis Kelce and superstar performer Taylor Swift, the NFL and the Biden administration rigged this year’s football season so that the Kansas City Chiefs would play in the Super Bowl and Swift would be able to nefariously convert football fans into Democratic voters.

There are so many things off about this theory that it’s hard to know where to begin. Kelce and Swift didn’t start dating till September—how did anyone know this would turn into a “thing”? And how exactly did the NFL rig the entire football season to ensure that the Chiefs would wind up at AFC Champions? Swift has in the past encouraged her fans to register to vote, but how does that make her a patsy of the Biden administration? And why should we believe football fans would change their voting preferences because of anything Taylor Swift said anyway? Does the conspiracy include having the SF 49ers almost losing their conference championship game before pulling out a win in the second half?

There’s no logic to any of this or the slight bit of evidence, but the problem with conspiracies is that’s what makes them so enticing. The fact that no evidence exists makes followers even more certain of the conspiracy: It just proves there’s a deep state supporting the conspiracy. Arguing with a conspiracy theorist will likely just make them dig in deeper and presume you are part of the conspiracy too.

But sometimes just bringing a theory out of the shadows and exposing it to light will help others realize how absurd that theory is. If you don’t believe me, just wait a few minutes. I heard there’s a new conspiracy brewing about how this all works.

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