Top of Mind Thursday – January 18, 2024: Breaking Out of the Comfort Zone

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It’s a new year, full of resolutions and goals, aspirations and hopes. But too often, these intentions never turn into actual results.

This is especially true when we reach outside our comfort zone: whether it’s to lose weight, get in shape, learn a new language, or develop a new habit. The status quo sets in and we go back to what’s known and comfortable. And safe.

Often times, we bite off more than we (or anyone, for that matter) could comfortably chew. Then, in frustration, we throw the whole darn meal away and wonder why we haven’t satisfied our hunger for change.

My colleague Huge Blane suggests a better way to approach this. Focus on one thing only. Just one thing you want to change, improve, increase, or decrease. This should be something that will give you the most leverage—the biggest bang for your buck, so to speak—not the simplest or hardest to accomplish, but the one that matters.

This is true for your business, as well as for your personal goals. Too often, I see clients who want to try a little bit of everything in their marketing—kind of like the kid in the candy store who wants to sample every kind of sweet. Better to focus on just one new marketing program and initiative, get results there, then find the one next thing you want to tackle.

In some cases, marketing may not even be where your energy is best put right now. If you’ve got product or distribution issues, fix those first before starting a marketing program that will generate demand for something you can’t (or shouldn’t) fulfill.

Will making this decision be uncomfortable? Possibly. Should you move forward anyway? That’s up to you. But remember that doing the same thing again and again and expecting different results is the definition of insanity. And that’s not a comfortable place to wind up.

Check out our marketing leadership podcasts and the video trailer for my book, Marketing Above the Noise: Achieve Strategic Advantage with Marketing that Matters.

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